Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Writing Till I'm Done

     The last few months of Roleplaying, though fun, have been rough on both my mental health, my studies, and my ability to write the kind of content that I wanted to write. My writer's block came full force and, for that, I've taken a full break from MeWe. I am going to be writing this project in the background and all my passion will continue to go towards fueling this project, but for now, as you may have noticed, I've backed off of MeWe in its entirety and have left everything to Tank Steel. 

Wish me the best of luck and hopefully the next update should be at the end of Chapter 2

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

A New Story

 Why is there suddenly a new story??

    Okay okay okay, I know that I had Said that I was going to be focusing on The Black Garment but unfortunately for me, I hit a moment of writer's block with that one. My usual inspiration for that story decided to fall away from me for a little while. Fortunately for me, I ended up getting a wonderful idea for another story that WILL end up being the focus for now until I finish it. If you notice, the first installment is labeled "chapter 1" because I intend on flipping the script with that I've been doing with my other stories with Learning A Lesson. Firstly, this is a story that already has a planned beginning, middle and end. The only part I have yet to do is write everything. This story already has plot points, new characters, new locations planned out, and, for once, I can give Patrons a reward that feels satisfactory for me!

    Going forward with the chapters written for Learning A Lesson and probably my other stories, Patreon will be getting access to these chapters as I write them. I will put spoilers elsewhere, of course, but Patreon will be getting access to the full story as it is being written. I will be using my patrons to give suggestions for the writing itself, things to add in, as well as general encouragement to continue writing. After my Patreon has seen a full chapter for a full week, the post will be compiled onto this blogspot and will be released to the general public.

       I don't want to sound like I'm begging, but I would love to have some more Patreon support and now that I've got things to actually give to Patreon, I have an excuse to feel like it's worth asking for that support. As it stands, I am using that Patreon money to purchase art for the stories, which Patreon will gain access to before Blogspot or anywhere else does as well as all the sketches and the full hd downloads. 

    If you enjoy what I'm writing so far and have any suggestions or comments, please don't be afraid to reach out on blogspot with your dialogue, I love hearing it! Also please consider subscribing to the patreon so that I can work on getting that art flowing to the stories a bit faster! If not, I still love you and hope that you did enjoy and wouldn't mind sharing with your fellow degenerate friends. Until next time, stay horny~

    -Fiore Moss

Sunday, September 5, 2021

The Direction I Want To Take the Fairview

 Quick Update:

    So, as anyone coming from MeWe knows, I've got plans to make this bigger. I already have a few people that said they would be willing to support the project on Patreon. Thank you SO much by the way for that.

    I want to make this project worth the money and so, as a bit of a "hey, here's what I've got planned," I wanted to make this basic update post for people new to the Project.

Things I have planned:

  • Six Additional Stories
  • One coherent timeline/storyline
  • World/Universe building
    • This includes the laws by which my world works with including but not limited to:
      • Time Period
      • Intelligent species that exist
      • How each specie works/coexists
      • Technological Advancements
      • World Morality
      • Relevant Laws (Laws not specified will be considered irrelevant, for example, taxes.
      • City Design/Landscapes
  • Art
    • I am in talks with an old artist friend of mine to potentially get Illustrations, something that Patreon will be helping to fuel assuming as we can work things out for the future and can reach my patron goal
  • Naming the damn thing
    • I don't have a name for this yet because I don't have an for certain plotline. This will be something that Patrons will likely help me with as I work on the skeleton of the project, share the timeline with them, and ask for repeated feedback.

Things I would love to do in addition

  • Stickers, Posters, Mousepads, Pins, etc.
    • This would be working with my friend of course on all of these, but this is a long term 'If I Have The Support And Desire' type thing
  • Moving all my works off Blogger and work towards Publishing
    • If I'm actually able to get my project big off the ground and to a place that I'm happy with, I would love to begin to put out hardcover books based upon my series here

Thursday, August 26, 2021


    Heya! Just wanted to say a small thank you for all the support I've been getting over the course of the last few days and weeks here. Pumping out stories is a ton of fun, and I want to keep doing more and more, but my time constraints back in uni have me in a bit of a pickle with no bit of pickle in me.

    With that small thank you out of the way, it seems that you guys are Really enjoying The Black Garment, so I want to focus on that one for the time being until I get a craving for others! I will be updating it as frequently as I can, 'chapter' by 'chapter' so stay tuned, it's going to be a long one~

    If you have any suggestions/comments, whether they be ways to improve my writing or storytelling or things you'd love to see down the line, please please PLEASE leave me some comments, I can't wait to start reading them here instead of MeWe. 

    I'd like to give another huge thank you to all my MeWe followers who have been reading along with my updates, you guys are great, as well as my dedicated RP partners who have helped me grow to this point, you are the absolute best!

    Until next time, Thankie~!

Saturday, July 31, 2021

Big Welcome

 Hi there!
Welcome to Fiore's Fairview!!

My name is Fiore (or is it~?) and I'm going to be posting my stories here. I have a lot of Roleplay starters over on MeWe and with each and every one of them, I've got some feeling as to where I'd love the story to go ideally. Now, most RPs I get into are anything but ideal, but the ones that I love to keep around are the ones who push me creatively and who take my RP in directions I would never have even thought of if not for my wonderful partners.

I'm still figuring out how to use Blogger or Blogspot or whatever this website is called, so forgive me for some formatting issues. For now, I'm tentatively planning on improving my starters and placing them as the starts of stories rather than as setups for Roleplays so that I can continue to write the stories I envision. I've got a strong feeling that a fair few people will enjoy the stories I produce, but if you have any suggestions, please please let me know and I will try and work them into stories or make them into stories!

In advance, thank you so very much and I hope you enjoy my stories!

Writing Till I'm Done

      The last few months of Roleplaying, though fun, have been rough on both my mental health, my studies, and my ability to write the kind...