The Price of Technology

New York City, NY

Fiore and Sparda's apartment 

    "C'mon, Pleease!! I don't know what more you want from me, this is literally the only thing that I've ever wanted this badly in my entire life, can't you see that? I know that I could get it by myself and pay rent alongside it, but it would take me more than twice as long and you make so much more than I do! Please, if you just take care of everything else and let me pay this off with my paychecks!"

    Sparda stood with his arms crossed and a smug smirk, looking down at his suitemate, plans running through his head as he watched her beg for his help buying her the only thing on her mind right now: a self bondage box. It was a high-tech item from her favorite kink emporium, something that would allow her to tie herself up, tease herself, and live out fantasies without requiring the assistance of a sexual partner, something Fiore was unfortunately bad at. Sparda had asked her on multiple previous occasions if the two of them could just date or if he could just wife her up and seal the deal, but she had turned him down multiple times. He saw this as a chance, an opportunity to finally get back at her a bit for her rejection of him whilst also seeming to be the good guy.

    "Fine. But on a few conditions. You do all the cleaning-"


    "Bup- In an outfit of my choosing."

    "Wh- No I'm not gonna-"

    "You want the damned box this year or not?"

    Fiore crossed her arms angrily, grumbling softly and shifting uncomfortably, stamping her foot softly as she fought briefly with herself, eventually a whine sneaking out before she caved

    "F-Fine. Fine. Whatever outfit you want, but I have to actually be wearing clothing."

    "Alright, whatever. You do all the cleaning, all the cooking, the laundry and at house-parties, you will be the hostess, which means snacks, beverage runs, and at my group's beck and call."

    Fiore narrowed her eyes and shifted a bit, knowing that he was pushing off all of the household chores off onto her as payment, Fiore more angrily hissing out a response as he finished listing off the chores that he wanted her to do while he was paying off the box. "All will be done..."

    "It better be done, because I will be paying all the rent, buying all the food, buying all the restocks, and making sure that we don't lose any of our quality of life despite swapping to only one salary paying for this apartment. And if you start to slip up or make me do chores, then-"

    Fiore huffed and interrupted him, stamping her foot angrily, causing him to smirk down at her again as she got into a fuss about her agreement with Sparda. "Got it. I slave away for you for a few months, entertain you, then I get to enjoy my bondage box. Can we just get on with... whatever it is that gets this damn agreement off the ground?"

    "One last thing."
    Sparda leaned across the table towards Fiore, crowding her in her chair as he smiled to her, a wild excitement clear in his face as he revealed the last part of his rules to her. "I get access to you whenever I want."

    Fiore immediately became very flustered, blushing and squirming about in her chair as she dodged his gaze and tried to move away from him before practically screaming back out her answer to him. "FINE!! But It stops once I get my box!"

    "Oh yes. As soon as the box is yours, the deal is over, you go back to paying your fair share, and I lose a maid."
    Satisfied enough with their terms and conditions, Sparda nodded with a sinister glint in his eyes, cruel plans already formulating in his mind and revenge-seeking heart as he had finally gotten Fiore to agree to his terms. He didn't plan on stopping there though. Having looked over the box himself and what it could do, he knew full well that all he had to do was wait for her to slip-up with the controls and she was his forever, locked away in exactly the state he wanted her to be. 


Fiore and Sparda's apartment

    Fiore woke up and looked towards her phone, a notification popping up on her phone and making her groan. She had already been working for Sparda as his personal assistant for over a month, but today was special. Today was Valentine's day and, as per her agreement with him, She belonged to him today. She received a text not long after setting her phone down from Sparda, reading it reluctantly and whining a bit at his words.

    "Hey, I went to the store for some things. By the time I get back, I expect to see you in your Valentine's Day outfit. You know what happens if you disobey today. I've got a theme for today, hope you can handle it ;}"

    That creepy little smiley face at the end of his text sent a shudder down her spine, a sense of worry flooding her body as she realized she likely didn't have a metric for when he would be returning, causing her to get into a bit of a rush getting out of bed and checking her closet for the only garment that remained in her closet. He had left her with nothing more than a pastel blue and white maid's outfit. She snatched it angrily off the hanger, laying every piece of the outfit out on her bed and finding that the outfit only contained a few pieces, that being the thigh-high stockings, a miniskirt, a tight top and a small bonnet. She grumbled and began to adorn the fabric, feeling it pull against her body, having been picked out notably a size too small for her. For a moment, she was thankful that he hadn't decided to include with it either a pair of panties or a bra, knowing that they would be absolute hell in addition to the tighter outfit. She then stood from her bed, heading out into the living room to cook breakfast for the two of them, something she had grown accustomed to doing over her month of servitude.

    Fiore worked quickly, sifting through the cabinet and the fridge, pulling out everything she would need to make the pair some bacon and eggs on toast. She began working, humming her way through her breakfast as the outfit tugged at her, keeping her in a notable blush the entire day. It wasn't long before she heard the telltale sounds of Sparda returning home, making her gulp and shift softly as she continued to work. As he walked in, Fiore was busy setting the table, setting out both of their places with the plates of food and looking up towards him almost proudly as Sparda walked through the door.

    "G-Good morning, Sparda, the outfit you picked out is j-just a bit tight-"

    He looked over to her eagerly and hungrily, a wide excited smile crossing his face as he grabbed her plate and brought it over to his own plate, sitting down at the table happily as Fiore stood in a bit of disbelief at him for taking her food.

    "Hey, that's my breakfast!"

    "Only if you sit on my lap."

    "W-What?? I don't wanna, that's not- But I made- "

    "That's right- " He pointed at her with a teasing smile before taking a bite. in front of her. "you maid, me Master, good girl. Now sit in my lap if you want it."

    He smiled to her, a clear unzipping noise coming from below the table as he smiled over to her, followed by a soft meaty slap. She gulped softly, knowing full well what he expected her to do. She whined softly, making her way over to him and revealing to herself that her worry was right: he wanted her to hilt herself for breakfast. Reluctantly, she hopped up into his lap, lining herself up with the tip of his excited cock and slowly but surely sliding herself down with reluctant, lewd pants and soft moans until she found herself squirming, completely stuffed with his cock and helpless to remove herself. She leaned back into him as he continued to eat, seemingly unfazed by her antics as she slowly reached forward for her fork, only to have her hand slapped away swiftly by Sparda.

    "H-Hey, what gives..!"

    "Daddy feeds his princess and you thank me after every bite."

    She whined softly, putting her hands back into her lap and squirming softly before opening her mouth gingerly to accept her breakfast, Sparda beginning to feed her with care, Fiore's praises and thanks quickly filling his ears bite after bite as breakfast continued on and on, his cock slowly beginning to throb more and more as they ate together.

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