Learning A Lesson - Chapter 1

    After a few weeks of training in some of the bondage seminars hosted by Latex Haven, a local bondage club, Christine found herself sat at home, eager to try out some of her hard work on herself. She had recently purchased a self-bondage kit from the club, encouraged by one of the instructors, and some of her classmates to take the plunge on her own. She was hesitant at first, as one should be, but after a bit of taunting for being too scared to do it from one of her more promiscuous classmates, her pride got the better of her, and she walked out of class that day with the kit of miscellaneous tools to help her on her journey as well as a step-by-step guide to completing her self-inflicted duty. Upon arriving home, she set out to immediately prove to herself that such a task was within the realm of her abilities.

    Christine plopped down the large duffel bag onto her bed after a long training session, letting out a heavy, tired sigh. She looked down at the bag, its black and white text reminding her briefly of the taunting she had received after training that had encouraged her to buy the bag and, before really even thinking about it, she was already standing nude in front of it, her clothes bunched up in a pile on the floor around her and her smooth golden coat glistening with the sweat of the day's excitement.

    "You won't defeat me." Christine proclaimed to the lifeless bag, knowing it wouldn't hear her or fight her on her declaration. She opened up the bag to reveal a small assortment of smaller black canvass bags each with their own number stitched onto them near their zippers. Tucked into a side pocket was a small instruction booklet, explaining briefly that each of the parts was kept separate for now and was intended for different levels of comfortability. Reading into it, she was given instruction on care and prep and got to work making sure that everything was in order.
    First, a failsafe. She snatched her phone and plugged it in on the off-chance she ran longer than expected, setting up an emergency contact. The booklet told her to make sure to just call the police and not call anyone she might think she could trust as, when it came to opportunities, most people would tend to just take them. Christine knew her pride and embarrassment however would be much too high if she did end up getting herself stuck that she decided to play it safe, wanting to only call someone that she trusted with this kind of stuff to help her out: her instructor; Lori, who was the border collie who taught all the classes at Latex Haven.

    After getting her failsafe all set up, Christine began to work her way into the instruction booklet, taking it slowly step by step. She looked towards the assortment of bags and slowly picked up the first bag. She could just about feel the collar within it and, with a soft gulp and a bit of hesitancy, she opened up the package. She reached her hand in slowly, flinching softly as her hand came into contact with the cold leather. 

    "Why am I so nervous? I shouldn't be nervous, I've done this before. Come on Chrissy, you can do it, it's just a collar."

    After some soft self-convincing, she wrapped her hand around it, feeling its smooth, thick band and gently pulling it free from its packaging. She looked at it intently, caressing it softly as she noted the D-Ring at the front. She ran her finger through the loop, tugging at the collar to check its sturdiness. She was pleasantly surprised to find it to be rather solidly built, the collar itself not having too much break in its form. She closed her eyes and slowly ran her finger around the inside of the collar, measuring out its width until her finger found the clasp at the back to tighten the collar. She felt around the clasp blindly, eventually finding a small keyhole and cocking her head in curiosity. Christine opened her eyes as she turned the collar over, finding a small lock at the back of the collar, quickly looking back into the bag, and finding its matching key, her heart beginning to race at the implications of such a simple mechanism.

    "O-Oh, so there is a bit more to you than just a simple collar, eh? Heh, didn't really expect anything less, I guess."

    She put the key into the hole and turned it softly, a soft click echoing through her bedroom, the lock gently releasing its hold on the collar and allowing Christine to pull it apart. Gingerly she pulled the collar apart, feeling her chest beginning to pound as she put the collar around her neck. She closed her eyes again, taking quick, shallow breaths as her nerves began to get the better of her again, and, as soon as the leather hit her Adam's apple, she jolted the collar away, panting heavily as she looked down at her hands in her sudden panic. She grunted in frustration, huffing angrily at herself as she waged a war in her own head against her gut reactions.

    "Come on Chrissy, you can't let those girls win! Come on, put the collar on!"

    She took another deep breath and gripped the collar a bit tighter in her hands, bringing it up to her neck and swiftly working her quivering hands to lock the collar around her neck and remove the key. She began to panic again with the collar now around her neck and, to prevent herself from unlocking it immediately, flung the key towards the wall, hearing it make a loud pinging noise as the key smacked against the wall. 

    Her vision began to blur as she felt the collar pulling tight against her throat, hugging close to her, making her breathing labored and heavy as she began hyperventilating. Her shaking hands began working furiously behind her, pulling at the straps for the fastening mechanism, slowly but surely loosening her collar until it was finally comfortable enough for her to take a deep breath of air without it feeling like her lungs were burning up. She coughed, gasping for air and beginning a heavy pant as she fell against the ground, the posters on her wall swirling around and slowly fading back into reality over the course of the next half hour as her panic began to slowly fade away into obscurity, allowing Christine to begin looking towards the next bag, the lump of fear in her throat now held back by the collar she wore as she slowly sat back up and reached for the second bag.

    She gently fingered the D-ring on her collar, gulping softly as she picked up the second bag and looked down at the instruction booklet. She couldn't quite tell what was in the bag by touch alone, but a simple look down at the book showing her instructions on usage made it plain and simple as to what the next package contained.

    "Well, I guess if you're gonna take all the fun out of it, I'd better start reading you after opening the packages then, hmm?"

    She shook her head softly, pushing the booklet off to the side as she gulped again softly, the collar still pushing against her neck just enough to be a constant pressure, keeping her from being able to focus on one thing or another for too long. She opened up the next package, her hands reaching in with more confidence as she pulled out a knotted dildo and butt-plug, a small egg-shaped vibrator and a remote for it, as well as the accompanying lube. Upon spreading out the contents of the package on the ground in front of her though, it became abundantly clear that neither the dildo nor the plug was exactly what one would call "normal." 

    "I thought it was one of the cardinal rules to never play without a base..." A sense of worry began to creep back into her voice as she picked up the plug, turning the Christmas-bulb-shaped lump of silicone in her hands as she tried to figure out on her own how she could possibly retrieve the mass from inside of her once she slipped it in. Her finger then slid against the bottom of the toy, revealing a small latch that, upon giving it a small tug, brought out a small ring attached to the base supported by a rather sturdy-looking hinge. She looked through the new loop, finding it to be about the size of her thumb. She looked immediately towards the other length, finding a near-identical loop and raising her eyebrows in curiosity. 
She looked at the instruction manual for further clarification, noticing instructions to use the contents of bag two with bag three. She chuckled softly, reaching into the duffel bag for the third labeled bag. 

    "Bag number three already. I thought we were trying to take this slow. Guess not, heh." She kept talking to the bag and herself, mostly to keep her nerves down as she worked her fingers around the bag to try and figure out what was inside of it before revealing it to the elements. It didn't take long for her to feel the familiar texture of a coil of rope, even through the bag. A smile of excitement crossed her face and she quickly removed the coil, relieved to finally be working back in a territory that she had been getting familiar with. She rubbed the rope between her fingers, finding it to be sturdy treated cotton. She once again gulped softly, her heart beginning to race again as she looked down to the book for instructions.

    The instructions became vaguer with her, not giving any clear instructions as to what knots to begin tying, where to start, or what to do. The only clear instruction she could see was to loop the rope between the rings in the two toys and to insert the egg before knotting herself. She gulped softly, hesitating for only a moment before remembering the taunting she had received from her classmates back at the club for her hesitation to move through with the initial purchase. She took a deep breath and laid back, taking the egg in one hand and gently rubbing lube over the surface of the egg before spreading her legs and pressing it against her snatch.

    She gasped softly, pulling the toy away to reveal that a small string of her leaking arousal had already started to make itself known, connecting her gently-spread lips to the crown of the egg. She gulped and blushed deeply before pushing the egg back against her snatch, her head falling back a bit as she pushed the egg into herself, feeling the egg slip just past her labia and up into her vaginal canal. She panted softly, pulling her fingers away softly and seeing the same string of her pleasure leading from her folds to the tips of her digits. She gulped softly, looking at them for a minute before shaking her head to try and regain her focus as she looked down towards the rope. 

    She quickly tried to remember back to her training, grabbing herself a hardy amount of the rope and folding the rope in half. She then worked the bite of the rope behind her neck, wrapping it around the collar. She allowed the two loose ends of the rope to dangle behind her, looking down to her front at the bite and looping the bite over itself into a sturdy knot, leaving a small loop at the bottom of her rope to come back to later. She then moved the rope back around to her front, nodding softly and tapping her foot as she tried to remember the next step. 

    Christine sat up straight and moved the ropes at her front up and down until she felt it resting just between her shoulder blades, using the distance to guide her next knot to rest just below her collarbone. She moved a fist below the knot, feeling her heart pounding in her chest as her other hand moved the rope around to start the next knot below the fist, now working herself into a rhythm as her training began to move her hands for her, her thinking now secondary to the knots. She repeated the process, tying two more knots on her way down, one at the bottom of her sternum, one at her belly button, and finally moving down to place the final preparation knot right at her clitoral hood. She gasped softly as she began to pull the rope against her slit, her eyes rolling back for a moment before settling back on the toys. 

    "I knew I was forgetting something." She smiled softly, reaching over and lubing up the two carefully molded artistic masterpieces before sliding them down the split end of the rope, sliding the knotted dildo down first followed by the plug. She gasped again, panting softly as she lined their tips up with herself, taking a deep breath as she pulled the rope up, pulling the rope through the first loop she had made, biting her lip and huffing softly as she tugged at the rope, feeling the knot pressing up against her labia until finally, she tugged on the rope, getting it fully through the loop and finally pushing the knot into her. She moaned out, clenching on the rope in her hands tightly as she buckled over and began panting heavily, practically drooling at the sudden, deep, knotted intrusion as it pushed the egg she had inserted earlier to push its crown up to kiss her cervix, filling her completely. 

    It took Christine a few minutes before she regained her propper ability to think straight, sitting up with a fair bit of struggling before pulling the rope around her body and feeding it through the first loop created by the top two knots on her front. She continued to pant and shake a fair bit, her raw adrenaline pushing her through as she pulled the ends of the rope taught, pulling the rope up against her toys as she pulled the rope ends back around herself, crossing the ropes a few times before repeating her feed and tug with the last three loops, each loop getting harder and harder to do until finally, she was left with a small handful of rope at her back and a near-flawless tie. She gulped softly, grunting softly as she struggled to get the excess rope wrapped between the intricate crossings of rope on her back and her body, completing her need for bags two or three. 

    "I-I think that's enough f-for now, I need to c-calm myself down-" Christine was eager to get back up to her feet, using her bed as necessary support as she stumbled across the room to where the key lie. She gently picked it up, placing it gently upon her dresser before moving back to the pile of supplies and her clothes, picking up the remote and placing it on the bed as she got dressed again, letting out little moans and pants as the fabric of her shirt and pants pulled against the ropes that dug into her fur-covered flesh. She slid the remote slowly into her pocket, grabbing her phone as well as she slowly shuffled around her house, moving from wall to wall as she inched her way over to her couch, sitting down to lose a few hours binging a show that a close friend had gotten her into.

    It didn't take long for her little squirms and shifts to remind her of the toys that still resided within her, despite her weak attempt at quelling such realizations. Without even thinking, the remote was already in her hand, her thumb gently caressing the button to turn the egg on within her as her other hand found its way below the elastic waistline of her pants, her fingers poking gently against the folds of her wet, stuffed, slit.

    Christine looked down at herself as she felt her finger mindlessly wander over her folds with a mind of its own, slowly dragging her fingers away and gulping. She quickly noticed how much she was panting and just how wet and needy she was, deciding then and there to turn off the television and storm her way over to bag number four. Without much thinking or hesitation, the contents of the bag were already on the floor, a pair of hook-adorned bracelets and a matching set of latex arm-length gloves and thigh-high stockings rolling out onto the ground before her. She gasped softly, her eyes widening in excitement. She hadn't really tried out latex in the past, but eagerly she began to roll out the stockings, wasting no time at all before sliding her way in. 

    The latex hugged tight to her flesh as she pulled the stockings on fully, the tight black rubbery clothing making sure that not an inch of the fabric wasn't in close contact. She ran her hands over her now latex-clad legs, murring softly and closing her eyes as one of her hands came drifting back towards her snatch. She rubbed herself softly, whining as she wasn't able to make much physical contact with her wet folds around the toy, having just enough self-restraint to keep herself from activating the egg just yet, knowing that doing so would make her completely unable to make any logical decisions. Next were the gloves, Christine working them slowly but surely up her arms until eventually, she was able to feel the gloves clinging tightly to her entire arm, compressing her already rather weak arms into its neat packaging. She gasped softly, gently rubbing her hands all over her mostly-naked body, the unique feeling of the latex giving her goosebumps as she tried to decide if she was excited or scared to continue. 

    She decided to put on the bracelets before she could really give herself the chance to think too deeply into her decisions. The bracelets appeared simple in nature, both being small metal bands with a lock at their clasp opposite their hinges, having two D-rings and a small set of hooks surrounding the hinge facing back up towards her. She inspected them briefly and, after some brief tugging on the latches, found that the bracelets were now firmly locked around her wrists. She gulped softly, figuring that they shared a key with her collar before moving her way through to bag number five, refusing to heed the warning given to her by the book to take things slow. Her blushing face continued to ride her arousal-infused adrenaline, Christine looking into the bag and seeing eagerly that she only had two bags remaining, a lustful glint taking over her eyes as she quickly retrieved the next bag, her hands shaking as she worked to open it and dump its contents in front of her.

    "Come on, I'm so close!"

    She huffed softly, as her eyes glanced over the products that unfurled on the ground below her that simply included a small pouch and a leather muzzle. She looked into the pouch and huffed softly, not seeing anything within it, nor anything to attach the straps on the back of the pouch to, getting a little bit frustrated at the sudden change of pace.

    "The fuck am I supposed to do with this?"

    She reluctantly picked up the manual again, huffing a bit in defeat at having to use the folded pieces of paper again. A simple diagram told her to open up the straps and loop them around one of the ropes on her hips, indicating she should place any loose important items into the pouch such as the key, remote, and another object she was yet unfamiliar with. The manual then showed her how to set a timer on the bag. She raised her eyebrow and looked at the pouch in her hand again, running her finger over the front and finding a small dial with numbers for set amounts of time. Unfortunately, once again, the instructions were no help in finding out how long each indicator would be, but Christine knew that this would lock the items away from her until the timer ran out, forcing her to remain in her collar and bracelets as well as on whatever vibration setting she put herself on. 

    Christine decided that the bag could wait, moving her attention to the muzzle instead. Upon turning the leather in her hands, she found another small bag within it that surrounded a large phallus gag. She gulped softly, noting the hollow nature of the gag as she opened up the bag, finding herself presented with a rebreather. She gulped softly, having not experimented with breath play yet. Still, that faint memory of her classmates teasing her burned through her common sense, and soon, her hands were working to screw the rebreather into place on the mouth of the muzzle before beginning to slide the leather muzzle over her own weary muzzle, the gag slowly but surely sliding into her maw. The tip of the muzzle kissed the back of her throat, coaxing out some short quick gagging as her hands worked against her instincts and pulled the straps in place, pulling the straps together and fastening them with the rather large clasp at the back. She heard another loud click and immediately her heart began to race, her fingers running back over the clasp to confirm her momentary fear as she felt the familiar indentation of a keyhole; Christine had just locked the gag firmly into her mouth with no real chance of getting herself back out. She whimpered softly, beginning to panic a bit as she gagged over the silicone shaft that was blocking up much of her mouth. 

    She bit down hard, trying to get the gag out of her mouth as her hands began to pull forward against the muzzle but there was no give. She saw the rebreather beginning to inflate and deflate in front of her with each shallow, panicked breath she took, and before long, she began to sway as her heart pounded within her chest. She watched the world around her beginning to blur and fade in and out of existence, Christine falling quickly to the ground in her anxiety. She began focusing hard on her breathing, telling herself that she wasn't in any real danger yet and, slowly but surely, her breathing was able to stabilize enough to allow her to sit back up.

    "[There you go, first real scare, but that's fine, just keep your breathing steady, there's only one bag left after this bag, you can do it, Chrissy. Just stay strong and call Lori if you need to.]"

She put a hand to her chest, feeling out her heart rate as she gently looped the bag around one of the ropes at her left side. She then grabbed the remote for the egg and, with a deep breath and a bit of reluctance, she moved the dial halfway up its maximum and flicked the vibrations on. Almost instantly she crumpled down, moaning out loudly and clutching at her belly as the egg began to vibrate rapidly within her, its close proximity to the other two toys activating them as well, causing a triple-pronged attack right at her pleasure centers. Lost in her pleasure, she began to involuntarily suckle on the large silicone mass in her maw, moaning over it as she milked it for air, panting and shuddering on the floor as pleasure began to rock her entire body. 

    Christine watched a fuzzy blackness beginning to creep into the edges of her vision again and, in her panic, she began to quickly reach out for the rebreather, frantically twisting the connection to disconnect it as the bag rapidly deflated and inflated with her dirty air. Just as she thought it might have been too late, she was able to disconnect the bag, panting heavily as she flung the bag across the room with her pre-applied force, now allowing herself to pant as heavy as she needed to for full recovery as her trembling hand placed the remote on the floor beside her. She spent the next few minutes fiddling with the intensity before deciding on a lower sensitivity, something just enough to keep her constantly aware of it, but not enough to get her off without a bit of additional help, something that would make her all the more excited to finally give herself release. 

    Once satisfied with her edging, she crawled her way over towards the wall where she had thrown her key previously, patting the ground with her hands until she found the small metal key, sighing in relief as she placed the key alongside the remote, closing the small bag before checking back to the manual for instructions on locking the bag, finding it to still not be of much help. Unable to decipher it well enough to make a real educated guess, she turned the dial on the lock to three out of its maximum of forty-eight, hoping that the toaster-like timer would give her a reasonable amount of time on such a low setting and something to gauge future use off of.

    She leaned back against her bed, closing her eyes as she took slow, deep breaths to try and calm her nerves down. She continued to murr softly, a hand reaching out slowly towards her snatch to rub up against herself. She could feel the waves of pleasure radiating through the toys up through her body, shuddering a fair bit as a strand of drool began to slide down through her cock-gag breathing tube as her fingers tried to work their way alongside the vibrating dildo, the firmly planted knot keeping her from poking much further than her fingertips along its base. Christine whined softly, a bit frustrated by her lack of control, but she also knew that it was exactly what she had signed herself up for. 

    After whining and squirming in self-pity for a little bit, she eventually opened her eyes back up and reached in towards the final bag, in too deep to give up now as she gripped the small pouch and poured its contents onto the ground before her. She only saw three objects before her, consisting of two nipple clamps and a large cushioned blindfold. She looked down at her instructions, looking over them carefully as she was told how to bind her arms back with her bracelets from earlier. She nodded in understanding, her gaze glossing over the warning not to pin her arms up too high as she moved on to the clamps and blindfold, both working relatively simply with not too much ability to screw up.

    The woman reached down and pinched the clamps, the small rubber-tipped clothespins opening wide and revealing their jagged tips. She gulped softly, leaning firmly against her bed as she shakily moved the open jaws towards her excited breasts, slowly releasing her grip on the clamps at the same time. She gasped and moaned out, struggling hard against her instincts to immediately rip them off as her hands hovered in the air above her breasts, shaking a fair bit as a visual showing of her internal, mental war.

    "[Come on Christine, one more object and then you're done. You can tell off all those girls at your next class!]" She nodded to herself, confirming her self-given mission as her hands found their new target and rested themselves upon the blindfold. She watched her hands shake in front of her as she tried to focus on calming them down, her heart beating into her ears as her fingers danced across the straps of the blindfold, finding another locking clasp that would seal the blindfold over her eyes until she could get that key back. She gulped again, looking back to the instructions before placing the blindfold over her eyes and moving her hands along its strap around to the back of her head. She moved her fingers around behind her, weaving the strap under the one for her gag before locking it into place. At the sound of the click, her hands moved back to the blindfold, pushing on it a bit and finding it to have little to no give, once again impressed and a bit nervous about the quality of the product that she had been pressured to buy. 

    The only thing on her mind now was sealing the deal and moving her hands back into their locks, trying to remember how to hook her wrists onto the rope at her back. She shifted a bit, hopping forward away from her bed with soft grunts as she tried to give herself some room to work with to move her hands into position. She took another deep breath, just trying not to focus on how fast her heart was pounding as she placed her wrists firmly together against her back. She then began pushing her arms further against each other, feeling a strain starting to build in her bicep and elbow as she continued pushing up until her fingertips kissed the knot she had first made. Confident with the height, she pulled her hands towards her body and then released all her strength from her arms, allowing them to fall a very short distance and hook themselves onto the highest horizontal crossing. 

    She whined a bit, feeling a bit of strain remain between her arms, only barely overwhelmed by the pleasure she was receiving from the toys buzzing in her slit and tailhole. She grunted softly, now trying to move her hands away into a more comfortable position. After a few futile attempts, the soreness in her arms plateaued, her struggling only making her more and more tired as she found that the hooks on the bracelets had caught the rope firmly, her one-way strength not quite enough to allow her arms back out.

    Panic began to set in as the realization that she had totally trapped herself began to settle in, Christine moaning out and thrashing about on her bedroom floor as she increased her efforts to try and pull her arms away to no avail. The ropes pulled at her skin, digging into her and pulling at her body, making it impossible to think straight as the continued vibrations worked her slowly up to the aching edge of a climax. She moaned out in pleasure, her sounds of struggling pleasure muffled by the now rather appealing cock gag stuffed within her maw. 

    The pleasure slowly worked down her defenses and rational thinking, the pain in her weak arms dissipating as she was finally set dangling at her very edge. She curled over, falling to the ground and squirming about as she tried to push herself over, her entire body beginning to ache in a desperate, horny need. She could now feel her heartbeat at every point of the rope's contact, a distinct throbbing clear in both of her clamped nipples as well as her clit. 

    She continued to writhe in her need for a few minutes before her desire overpowered her rational thinking. She slowly rolled over, trying to be careful not to hit anything as she sat herself up and began reaching around with her feet to find her bearings around her bedroom. She was fairly confident that she knew where she was. After a bit of blind poking about her bedroom, she was able to find her phone and her bedpost, pushing the two objects against each other so she could find them later with her blind on. She then began feeling up her bed post, her feet rubbing over the wooden finial that topped her bedpost, her need overriding her actions as her legs came back to the ground below her. She began to push herself against the bed, struggling to her feet as she slowly stood up, using the bed as a support and guide as she moved over towards it and straddled the bed-post. 

    "[Come on, so close- Just a little more-]" She began to ride the wooden orb, grinding herself over its smoothness. It was just enough for her, a shudder riding up her spine as she pushed the dildo around until it came into perfect contact with her g-spot. She moaned out orgasmically, holding it firmly in place as she continued to swivel her hips, grinding the dildo against herself as she felt a wild wave of pleasure ride up and down her body, bringing her tantalizingly closer and closer to that final release until finally she was able to reach it. She moaned out loudly as her pent-up pleasure weakened whatever strength she had left in her body. She fell back against her bed as she came, her body tensing up and her legs weakening below her as she shuddered out in pleasure, her pleasure drooling down her legs and creating a rather sizeable puddle on the bedsheets below her. She panted heavily, twitching and spasming as she could feel herself slipping away towards unconsciousness, Christine passing out swiftly from such a powerful orgasm.

    Christine would wake up a few hours later, finding herself still tightly bound and right back where she started on the edge of an orgasm. She groaned softly, her arms practically burning now in their soreness as her entire body ached with the same need as before, alive with heat and desire as she rolled off her bed and hit the ground with a grunt. With her regained strength, she tried her best to work her arms out but with very little success. She found the ropes tugging at her a bit more, the rope having compressed a bit over the course of her well-deserved nap with how much she had been sweating. 

    Panic began to set in again the more she struggled against her bonds, her head fuzzy with pleasure that she had forced herself into. She had lost all sense of time, panting and whimpering as she had also lost her sense of direction. Christine rolled over slowly again, feeling around the ground with her feet as she slowly felt her way back over to her bed and her phone. She huffed as she gently kicked the device away from the bed, shifting across her room over towards where the device was heading until she was able to find it. She rolled over onto her back, wincing slightly as she put her weight onto her arms as she scooted over towards her phone until her fingers felt the small electronic between them. She grabbed it in her hands quickly sitting up and blindly fumbling with it behind her back. 

    Thankfully for Christine, her phone was the one thing working in her favor, something that she almost always had glued to her hand. It was something she was used to, its layout familiar to her even blindly that, without much trouble or many incorrect key inputs she was able to get herself into a phone call with Lori, her favorite instructor. The phone rang ominously in her hands as she quivered in fear, slowly putting the phone onto speaker and dropping it, rolling back over so that her muzzle lay down against the phone, hoping she could get a message across to Lori as the phone continued to ring.

    Lori saw her phone ringing from across her own room as she was folding up the last of her outfits and packing them into a suitcase, looking down to it with a soft smile as she saw the profile picture of Christine all bound up, taken from one of their one-on-one sessions the pair had had in the past. After admiring the picture for a bit, she picked up the phone, expecting another scheduling call from Christine who, in her eyes, was starting to take her classes rather seriously, a smile crossing her face as she answered the call with a flirtatious pep in her speech.

    "Why Hellooo Chrissy! I was just finishing up my packing, how is my favorite little bondage bunny doing?"

    "M-MMPH!! M-Mumphhy- H-Hmmg-"

    "What? I can't quite..." Lori began trailing off, her eyes widening softly as realization set in, remembering the kit that Christine had been bullied into buying after the previous session. She remembered that Christine had bought the package the previous night and realized that she must have been stuck for at least the last six hours. She quickly began logging into her computer, looking through her customer info to find Christine's address while ensuring that she would be able to get her in the first place. "Okay, Chrissy, listen to me, hun. I'm going to be right over, okay? Just sit tight. Is your door unlocked? Moan once for yes, moan twice for no." A slight smile began to twist around Lori's face as she began packing a small bag to go and retrieve Christine, grabbing her keys as she made her way out the door.

    "M-Mmmph.. Mmmgh..!"

    "I'll take that as a no then. Make your way towards your front door and work to unlock that door and I should be there by the time you get to it. If I remember which kit you bought, you should be able to still use your hands, just stay close to the wall and you'll be fine. Hang tight! Ta ta Chrissy" The sound of a car engine starting could be heard briefly before the call ended, leaving Christine with just a dial tone in the darkness of her blindfold.

    Frantically, Christine began working her way towards her door, pushing on the ground behind her and scooting along with her room until she hit her door. She grunted softly, the impact with the door making her head throb in pain. She moaned out as the toys within her continued to work against her. Chrissy pressed herself against the door, slowly shuddering to her feet as she worked her way to a standing position. She turned around and bent down a bit, leaning against the door and turning the door with her hands and stumbling away from the door, the wooden door swinging open. 

    Christine continued to try and stumble through her house, pressing her body against her walls for stability and guidance as every step sent waves of pleasure through her body. She heard the clattering of pictures sliding across her wall as she walked through blindly. Over the course of the next twenty minutes, she found herself collapsing against her front door, panting heavily as she slowly turned around against it, her hand shaking wildly as she felt around for the lock. She felt as though she had never worked harder for something in her entire life, the metal latch taking all her remaining strength to push into its unlocked position. As soon as she felt the lock jump at her efforts, she slumped down at her own doorstep in exhaustion and pure pleasure. She could hear her heart pounding heavily, her ears ringing as her blood rushed through her head. 

    "[Lori should be here by now. Come on, Lori, please!]"

    Over her struggles and the pounding in her head, she could hear the faint sounds of a car pulling into the driveway, the soft slam of a car door, and the gentle transition into the idle telling of Lori's arrival. Christine began to shift a bit as Lori approached her door, the large slab of wood opening out into Christine, causing Lori to chuckle softly as she looked down at the pathetic sight.

    "Wow, you weren't kidding, were you?" She taunted Christine a bit, causing her to whimper and thrash around a little bit in her need and desire. She could feel the physical presence of Lori getting closer to her and moaned out in need before feeling Lori's hand gently caressing her face. 

    "You know, you did a very good job, Christine. A very, very good job. These ropes are nice and tight, the toy shuffled nicely into those holes of yours." Christine felt Lori prop her up, hearing a small clicking noise at her collar as Lori's hands moved around her body, inspecting her handiwork. "Oh yes, someone put some effort into her studies, didn't you, you little slut, hmm?" She continued to tease Chrissy, who simply continued to whine in need. Her body shook and quivered at Lori's mere touch, so teased by the toys that she felt as though almost anything would make her simply collapse again. 

    "It also looks like-" Lori rubbed her hand gently across Christine's thigh, coaxing out an erotic moan from Christine as her legs began to twitch and shudder, bringing a further smile to Lori's face as she got closer to Christine's ear to whisper gently directly into it. "almost like someone managed to cum on a low setting. Did you follow the instructions carefully, Chrissy, or did you guess and find the perfect setting for edging?" She traced her finger up Christine's thigh to her snatch, her finger slowly tracing the girl's tired labia as she continued to verbally tease the now squirming girl. "I bet your body is just begging you for another one, isn't it, Christine. I bet you that you'd do anything to cum, wouldn't you? Well, luckily for you, I have just the thing for you to do."

    Christine felt Lori stand up and reach into the pouch that contained the remote and key, whining a fair bit as she looked up towards where she thought Lori was. She heard a soft jingling sound as Lori brought out her keychain, Christine locking her head towards the sound before suddenly, her vibrations were turned off entirely. She gasped, bending over and mindlessly humping the air for a moment before leaning back against the wall she had been propped up against, huffing heavily for a moment before feeling a tug at her collar. 

    "Come girl, if you follow me, I'll give you that orgasm you want. You do want to cum, right?" Christine nodded, wanting very little more in the world right now than to be allowed that sweet sweet release her body was craving, Christine standing up on her quivering legs to try and follow Lori.

    "Good, then you'll be following me. It's awfully lucky for me that you got yourself stuck like this now and not earlier or later. I planned out this trip and, well, my partner just bailed on me and, well... It's funny how opportunities present themselves, isn't it?" Lori chuckled softly at her words, Christine filling with dread and fear as her collar was tugged at again. She could feel Lori closing in on her again and briefly tried to step away before feeling a smack at her rump, causing a muffled yelp to come free from her gagged muzzle, Lori's hand having found her a way to punish Chrissy for her disobedience. Lori then proceeded to trace her fingers up Christine's back, Lori's head resting on Christine's quivering shoulder as she scolded the girl woman. 

    "Come on now, I thought we just had a discussion about following me. That involves following my movements and orders too. Now, there's one thing you didn't pay attention to in that manual of yours, isn't that right?" Lori ran her hands over Christine's arms and up towards the cuffs, giving them soft taps before balling Christine's hands up into small, loose fists. She gently moved her thumb away from the rest of the fist and slid a leathery mitten over Christine's hands, securing her hands' new binds with small padlocks looping into the bracelets on her hands. "You didn't listen when the instructions told you not to loop your wrists in too high. Now, you've gotten yourself into a good deal of unneeded discomfort here and, as a generous individual, I'm going to help you sort that out as soon as I finish situating these. Stay."

    Lori stepped away from Christine, her footsteps retreating back outside and to her car before returning quickly. Christine looked towards the loud footsteps noises as they rapidly approached her. She felt Lori's presence once again as heated, excited breaths left Lori's mouth and approached Christine's breasts, causing her to shudder. She then felt a small, rubbery intrusion into both her ears, Christine shifting her head away a bit in discomfort. Lori, seeing that Christine clearly wasn't understanding her previous words, pressed her body quickly against Christine's and pushed her against the wall. 

    "What did I tell you? Follow my lead. Are you gonna do that again?" Christine gulped softly, shifting in a bit of discomfort as she softly shook her head, Lori loosening her grip a bit as the rubbery intrusions began to work their way back into Christine's ears, Christine clenching her jaw as she tried not to struggle against her. She felt a soft leather approaching her ears as well and, as soon as the leather pressed against her skull, the world around her went silent. She whimpered softly, barely hearing her own whimpering as she felt straps caressing her head that wrapped down from her ears to her jaw as well as between the two ears. She would have heard the click of yet another lock as the earpieces were locked into place onto her head, taking away another one of her remaining senses.

    Lori then moved her hands down to Christine's arms, caressing them for a moment before pushing up on both elbows with a soft grunt. Christine began to wail out in pain but, after a few moments of effort, the hooks were able to slide off the rope enough for Lori to help pull Christine's arms away from her body. Christine began to slide down her wall, panting heavily and moving her hands frantically against her binds, finding locks keeping her new mittens and headpiece firmly in place. She whined and looked up towards where Lori's warmth was leaving her, feeling the tell-tale tug at her collar once again. 

    Christine stood up, not having much choice as the pull at her collar didn't stop this time, Christine knowing that she was being led out of her house and towards Lori's car as her hands reached towards her collar, following the tug and finding a chain leash locked firmly to the D-ring at the front. She whined, continuing to shift about as Lori unlocked her car and pushed Christine into the backseat, taking her hands one at a time and locking them up to a ring in the ceiling above Christine's seat. Christine continued to whine and struggle in protest as Lori buckled her in, a slight rumble telling Christine that the door had just shut beside her. Christine gulped, tugging against the ceiling as a last-ditch effort to find freedom, finding it to have no give to her weak efforts. 

    Lori made her way back into Christine's house, finding their phone and house keys, ensuring that everything was all locked up before bringing the set with her as she returned to the driver's seat, admiring Christine's continued struggle in her rearview mirror before grabbing ahold of the remote and kissing it gently, looking back to Christine as she turned it up to maximum, watching Christine writhe in her sudden orgasmic bliss before sending her car into reverse and beginning her drive towards a nearby port city for her planned expedition, glad that she was able to make this last-minute detour before departing.


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