The Buffet

The Buffet

    The Buffet is a running project that I have compiling all my favorite Kinky gadgets from roleplays, general internet fun, and stuff that I personally believe either wouldn't be too far out of reach realistically or that I would love to see exist personally because I think they'd be a ton of fun~

    As previously mentioned, a lot of these are inspired by/taken from stuff that I've seen online, so if I am able to remember where something came from, I will give credit. In the future, I will probably add images alongside this stuff so that you can get a better sense for what I have envisioned for each specific buffet item. As for why it's called the Buffet, that's just cuz you get to pick and choose. These will be referenced in the stories that I'm writing as well as available for public use in any roleplays that you decide to do. Either way, please enjoy The Buffet~

    Two more things before I let you move on here: One, the Buffet has been simplified and complexified. I've expanded on some stuff that I love and removed stuff I didn't. Two, as this stands, none of the names of anything are actually final and I expect a lot of these to change, especially the ones ripped right from other people, especially because I intend on having this go more long term and I don't want to go to intellectual property jail.



    The Shifter appears to be a simple dildo made of a soft, flesh-like silicone. However, with the help of an app, the shifter can change size and shape as well as softly vibrate, able to mimic a small plethora of exotic cocks and other sex toy shapes including a 2-3 inch long butt plug, a 4-9 inch long humanoid cock, a 4-10 inch long canid cock with a knot ranging from 2-4 inches in girth, a 5-9 inch long barbed cock, 6-14 inch horse cock and a 5 inch long 3 inch wide egg shape. The cocks can also be made to be anywhere from 0.5in-3in wide.
    The Shifter does not have any major upgrades that are noteworthy, merely the base model being enough that there was no demand to innovate on the product.

Remote Control Egg

    Though simple in nature, the egg has two purposes: pleasure and pain. The intended purpose is to be slid into the submissive and pushed as deep as possible using a secondary toy. From there, the egg can start to enjoy its semi-permanent enclosure within the submissive and can be controlled by the dominant to either vibrate or shock the submissive as needed.

Dampness Meter

    Has the appearance of an 'olden time' pad, used in tandem with a chastity belt. The dampness meter uses a preset acceptance level of moisture, doing constant checks with its control number to ensure that the submissive controls their excitement. If the submissive beings to enjoy themselves too much and causes the wetness of the pad to exceed its acceptance level, the pad will shock the submissive. It will then proceed to do so at every incremental change in moisture that it detects, acting as a deterrent to undesired pleasure. It is not known how effective the Dampness meter actually is at training.

Bluetooth Plug

    The Bluetooth plug is a part of a trio, linking with a pair of earbuds and a cellphone. The plug appears to be a buttplug, slipping into place. When music is transmitted to the linked devices, the plug acts like a subwoofer, vibrating and pumping with the bass of the music, creating an enjoyable experience for the end user submissive.

Facemask Cock Gag

    The years 2020 and 2021 of course were littered with masks, and with masks came public cock-gagging. That being, in art of course, I wouldn't know about doing anything like that myself, of course not, who would think such a thing, nuh uh. Basically, these are medical masks that include a cock gag. Nothing too terribly significant, just highly customizable in their girth and length and very easy to conceal in public.

Black Out Contacts

    The socially acceptable way to give a submissive sensory deprivation and take away their eyesight in public places. These contacts slip onto the submissive's eyes coming in a variety of styles with the same base purpose to completely block light from entering into the pupil of the submissive, taking away their vision entirely.



The surreal contacts allow for the same black-out functionality as the base model, but also allowing for a programmable landscape to be visually built up within the field of vision, allowing for the dominant to control what their submissive sees including but not limited to: adding/removing people and threats from environment, area denial, custom video feed and hypnosis.

Gag Gum

    This comes from IceCreamBallGag, an artist on many many sites, here's their reddit:

    Gag gum appears to be a normal stick of gum. However, with the addition of water and some stress of the materiel, the stick of 'gum' begins to expand, filling out the submissive's mouth and locking their mouth open and plugged up. After expanding for a few seconds and exploring its surroundings, the gum hardens into a rubbery texture, remaining there for roughly four hours, give or take~

Bark Collar

The Bark Collar appears to be a normal shock collar, though the collar is able to detect any non-animalistic noises coming from the submissive and uses its two metal prongs to zap them into submission. When the collar is put into bark mode, the submissive is only aloud to bark, growl, hiss, whimper, and purr. If speech is attempted, the collar will shock the submissive until the noises stop. If attempts at speech persist, the shocks will get more and more intense until the collar finds a level that consistently prevents such insolence. 

Vibe Strip

    The Vibe Strip is a relatively simple device implanted beneath the skin, generally in an erroneous zone. Once in place, the strip not only completely nullifies the ability to reproduce until the strip is replaced, but also can be controlled using an app, allowing for control of the vibrations the strip produces. The strip can hit ten different pleasure settings ranging from zero, being off, and 10, which will nearly instantly cause an orgasm and or a complete overwhelming of the nervous system with pleasure and subsequent unconsciousness. 


Microchip Implant

    This is inspired by the NESIC chip from (Highly Recommend!)

    The Microchip is an injectable microchip that fuses itself to the spinal cord of the submissive. The chip allows for remote stimulation with the use of a phone app, sending signals to the brain to simulate pleasure, pain, temperature changes, or other related sensations. This can be used to keep a submissive on a 'leash' so to say, giving them a non-verbal signal of good vs bad as well as allowing for easy discrete teasing or much less discrete general pleasure.

Portal Rings

    The Portal Rings can be bought in a few different sets depending on how much one is willing to shell out on the rings. All rings work in the same basic way, each ring consisting of two halves that magnetically interlock vertically, allowing the two halves of the ring to separate, allowing for detachment of the segment. Don't ask how they work, we don't know either. Each portal ring also has a plethora of places to attach chains or loop ropes, allowing for bondage attachments.
    A simple example use of a portal ring that has been used for teasing is detachment of one's tail. The newly created flat-bottom of the ring can then be fitted with a plug and inserted into the submissive, allowing for them to still have their tail but now with increased pleasure for the submissive. The Portal Rings are best used in conjunction with the Animated Latex Suit.


Portal Pussy

    The Portal Pussy is the most basic portal ring, placed simply around the slit and allowing for the disconnection of said nethers. This allows for medium-long range teasing and or fucking by use of portals.  This is convenient for dominants that need to get work done but also like to get a good break in now and then or for public outings with one's submissive, like a dinner party or a walk in the park.


    Portal Bracelets/Anklets allow for the Dominant to remove the hands and feet of a submissive. There isn't much benefit to separating the hands and feet other than creating a dependence on the dominant or teaching the submissive how to crawl.


    The portal rings on the thighs and biceps allow for further limb disconnection right below the bicep and about halfway down the thigh. The main draw for these portals are more structured quadriplegic walking, use with the torso and choker rings for desk and shelf décor, and, with the addition of the Animated Latex Suit, full control over arms and legs for the dominant. 


    The torso portal loops around the submissive anywhere from just above the hip to just below the ribcage, allowing for a bit of flexibility. The main draw for using the torso portal is in conjunction with the thigh, bicep, and choker rings for desk and shelf décor. With the two halves of the submissive, one can easily lock the top half of their helpless submissive into a display case while her lower half gives under the desk support to the dominant, allowing for their reactions to give a full show to their dominant while at work.


    The Choker ring comes in two versions, the base model and the AI model. Both models allow for disconnection of the submissive's head, allowing for display or under the table support during work hours. The AI version comes exclusively with the Animated Latex Suit, allowing for the dominant to have a verbal interface with the suit, allowing it to perform a plethora of tasks with the submissive.

Animated Latex Suit

    This one was a personal favorite to make and is a gross amalgamation of literally all living latex art that I have seen over the years. The suit comes in two main forms, one being a small, softball-sized ball that latches onto the submissive, and the other being a simple latex suit. Once either version latches onto the submissive, they will crawl over the entire body of the submissive, outlining them in a skintight layer of latex. This latex can change temperature, texture, color, size, weight, and vibrate depending on the liking of the dominant and can be interfaced and changed through either a phone app or using the AI Portal Choker
    After affixing itself to the extremities of the submissive, the suit will then search for any and all portal rings to interface with, allowing the latex to recognize itself as a singular unit through the portals. 
    If the suit is instructed to, it will then begin to interface with the interior of the submissive, diving into every orifice and beginning to lace the body structure of their submissive, allowing for further control of the submissive. After a lengthy and rather uncomfortable transformation lasting anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours depending on the quality of the suit, the submissive will then be encased in the latex suit inside and out. These new modifications will allow for further control via the dominant and all features can be turned on or off. 


Latex Lungs

    The latex lungs allow for the submissive to breathe through the skin of the suit. This is useful for situations in which the normal methodology of breathing would be impossible, for example if the throat happened to be blocked for an extended period of time. 

Food Conversion

    Food conversion for the suit comes twofold, both allowing for normal foods to be digested as usual, but also allowing for semen to take the place of normal nourishment. Any semen applied to any part of the body, inside or out, can be moved about to and placed into the stomach for storage. This storage will keep the cum warm for later use either by feeding or extraction for purposes specified by the dominant.

Temperature, Texture, Color, Size, Weight, Vibrations

    I expected this part to be self-explanatory, but I found that I was mistaken when designing this aspect of the suit. These are options for the dominant to use while the submissive is in the confines of the suit. The temperature of the suit can be increased or decreased down to the specific area of the suit, in some cases creating a need, a faux heat, or other sexual tensions. 
    As for Texture, this includes stuff mostly for show, which would include possibly giving the submissive say, fur, cloth, or flesh. This, in conjunction with the color changing, can completely change the outwards appearance of the submissive from head to toe, including clothes.
    Again, one I thought would be self explanatory is Color. With the color changes, a dominant can change the visual look of the submissive. Combined with texture commands, this includes the color of 'skin' and color of 'clothes' with the texture changes, making the submissive appear completely indistinguishable from someone not wearing the suit.
    Shifts in the weight of the suit are twofold, adding additional mass around the body for appearance or teasing as well as the creation of appendages.
    With Vibration changes, this allows the dominant to control vibrations all over the body of the submissive, creating targeted vibrations at different parts of the body.

Appendage Creation

    This one is a bit more out there, allowing the dominant to create appendages either outside or inside their submissive. In conjunction with the TTCSWV, this can be used to create say, a rather warm dildo within the submissive that has barbs, a bulbous knot, has a sizeable weight to it that vibrates and throbs in a realistic manner.
    When the suit is used in conjunction with the portal rings, if limbs are removed, the appendage creation can be used to give artificial limbs to the submissive that are under full control of the dominant which can be used to create all sorts of embarrassing situations for the submissive.


    These Mittens come in a small multitude of shapes and sizes as well as materials. The basic mittens come in two styles, leather and latex. Both mittens are lined with a fluffy cushion material, making the submissive's hands comfortable while balled up for hours at a time. The mittens can be locked shut with a simple padlock, rendering the submissive's hands nearly completely useless without assistance from their dominant, making a dependence upon the dominant for even basic tasks. They also have a place to hook chains to so that the Mittens can be used to keep the submissive cuffed. Mittens are intended for use on naughty submissives who need to learn their place.



    Stubs allow for connectivity with the Portal Rings, allowing the dominant to take the concept of hand-uselessness to another level by safely removing said hands entirely, leaving the submissive with stubs. 

Puffy Paws

    Puffy Paws takes the uselessness of Mittens a step further, either allowing the submissive to put their hands into the mittens normally. The large nature of the mittens renders the pet almost equally useless though, adding an extra inch and a half of padding to every part of the sumissive's hands. Like the base model, the mittens can also be locked onto the submissive.

Portal Panties

    Simple in concept, difficult in execution, the Portal Panties is the poor-man's portal ring. The panties come in two parts, one being the panties themselves and the second being a fleshlight. Once the panties have been put into place and the linked fleshlight turned on, the fleshlight will display the pussy of the submissive, allowing for long-range bedroom fun, great for long-distance relationships, terrible for parties with butter fingers, and even worse for raffles. No, this is not foreshadowing, what do you mean?

Pearl for Pretty Girls

    This pearl-like object slides neatly into the nethers of the submissive, quickly imprinting on the area as its 'home base' of sorts. The pearl will feed on the pleasure of its victim, tapping into their thoughts and desires to assist in coaxing out more pleasure for their own sustenance. After feeding for a little while, the pearl will grow out into a roughly baseball-sized rubbery worm/tendril. This creature will shift to pleasure its victim, coaxing out more food as it continues to use her to its advantage. As it continues to grow, the creature can mimic or hide beneath clothing, oftentimes trying to put its victim into situations that will pleasure its host the most.

Guide Rails

    This system is one of my personal favorites to add into any of my longer term roleplays. The Guide Rail System, as shown off in The Black Garment, can be used to transform a normal, regular house into a pet pen for one's submissive. The Guide Rail system would be installed into a house, lining the roof of every room in the house that the dominant would want the submissive to be able to access. Every doorway has a lock to the system, meaning that the amount of rooms that the submissive is able to access can be restricted at the will of the dominant. For example, if the submissive was getting too annoying to keep in the bedroom, you can prevent them from entering or, perhaps, keep them locked up within their room. 
    In addition to the rail itself, the rail comes with a small cart that rides along the tracks of the rails that possesses multiple places to hook onto. This whole system can support the full weight of an uncooperative pet and, combined with a few other smart-home AI devices, can allow for fully automated pet care until the dominant returns home. And no, you don't have to worry about the submissive not keeping to their schedule, the guide rail will move on its own with the onboard motor. The submissive will follow, whether their dominant is there to direct them or not. The guide rail system is also not restricted to the home. With additional outdoor modifications, the submissive can also be taken for walks around the property, get the mail, and even go for longer walks with the 'Free Walk' Module, that will take the submissive for walks around a set route outside the home.

APC Suit

    This is a creation by Jooshy that a close friend of mine recommended and I just couldn't resist adding it into the Buffet.
    On the off-chance that you didn't have enough to go for the fully animated suit but still really wanted the control that it would allow, especially for pet play, then the APC (Adored Pet Control) is right for you! The APC suit is a multipart bitchsuit that restricts the submissive's arms and legs, then using them effectively as the thighs and upper arms of the front arms ang legs. The new appendages take the form of feral arms and legs, forcing your pet into a much more natural appearing large-pet form. The suit comes with an arm and leg section that restricts the arms and legs respectively as well as including the requested additional limbs. In addition to the arms and legs, there is also an included pair of ears, a tail, and a collar with a bell to keep track of the submissive. The Collar, along with giving the submissive more natural control over their limbs, can also sent the submissive into a needy heat cycle. 

Suit Head

    This head is used for a small plethora of applications, but has the advantage of giving the submissive a more animalistic appearance in accordance to the desires of the dominant. This can allow for a more socially-acceptable outdoor experience if used with the Animated Latex Suit. The head fits over the submissive's head in much the same way as a helmet, having a way to keep the submissive quiet and animalistic by way of a hollow cock gag. The visor of the head allows the submissive to see using the small cameras in the realistic looking and blinking eyes of the helmet. The visor screen can also display information that the dominant wants as well as removing the ability to see through the cameras, forcing the submissive to walk blind with only the guidance of their dominant. This can also be used to slowly but surely force ideals into the head of the submissive with repeated exposure, though extended exposure can be potentially dangerous and mind wiping. The head also has a built in lockable collar, ensuring that the submissive cannot remove it without express permission from the dominant. Call it a Failed Fail-safe.

Slave Chow

    My spin on another invention of the lovely Jessbaby

    Slave Chow was once something that was more of a niche novelty item, but now that sexual work is becoming more common, slave chow is everywhere to be found. Slave chow is a line of food with a multitude of flavors and consistencies depending on how enjoyable the dominant wants the experience of eating to be to their submissive. Because chewing isn't necessarily something a submissive will have access to when it comes to feeding time, the chow comes in mostly liquid and gelatin forms mostly having a consistency and texture akin to that of semen. This slave chow comes in a variety flavors from fruits and vegetables to entire gourmet meals, different candies all the way to punishment flavors like vinegar, salt, hot pepper, Durian and, the worst of all, water. Whereas all food flavors tend to be soft and easy to eat and swallow, all punishment flavors are intended to spend as much time as possible in the mouth with the water 'flavor' having a consistency more similar to sandpaper meat, leaving an uncomfortable feeling in the mouth.

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