Saturday, July 31, 2021

Big Welcome

 Hi there!
Welcome to Fiore's Fairview!!

My name is Fiore (or is it~?) and I'm going to be posting my stories here. I have a lot of Roleplay starters over on MeWe and with each and every one of them, I've got some feeling as to where I'd love the story to go ideally. Now, most RPs I get into are anything but ideal, but the ones that I love to keep around are the ones who push me creatively and who take my RP in directions I would never have even thought of if not for my wonderful partners.

I'm still figuring out how to use Blogger or Blogspot or whatever this website is called, so forgive me for some formatting issues. For now, I'm tentatively planning on improving my starters and placing them as the starts of stories rather than as setups for Roleplays so that I can continue to write the stories I envision. I've got a strong feeling that a fair few people will enjoy the stories I produce, but if you have any suggestions, please please let me know and I will try and work them into stories or make them into stories!

In advance, thank you so very much and I hope you enjoy my stories!

Writing Till I'm Done

      The last few months of Roleplaying, though fun, have been rough on both my mental health, my studies, and my ability to write the kind...